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Happy Mother's Day, Friends!

Before being a mom I never realized just how much I was capable of loving, doing or providing. I also never realized just how much I didn't know, how much help I needed or how much I’d worry myself over whether I was doing this whole thing the right way anyways. Motherhood has changed just about every part of my life. I’m grateful for and even embrace the changes (well, most of them anyways!) But I’m also grateful for what hasn’t changed, including the remarkable women I'm fortunate to be surrounded by, many of them also moms, who have given me friendship then and now. Sure, circumstances have changed and from the outside things may look different…

  • We’re trading stories of families to entertain and comfort each other that we’re not alone in this crazy adventure, instead of trading clothes.

  • We’re reassuring each other that we’re still good moms even when we say or do stupid things, instead of reassuring each other that we’re better off without that ex-boyfriend.

  • And we’re artfully coordinating schedules to squeeze in our next get together on those calendar squares that seem to fill up with everyone’s activities other than our own, instead of planning our perfect semester class schedule.

But the good stuff that’s behind it all has stayed the same…

  • The unconditional support when we’re at our best or our worst; have something to celebrate or mourn.

  • The shared laughter that reminds us to not take ourselves or life too seriously.

  • The deep understanding, acceptance and appreciation of our strengths, quirks and everything in between that make each of us uniquely us.

  • The companionship to share life’s big and small moments together and the comfort of knowing we’re in it together.

I think at this phase of life what amazes me most about these close friendships is the ability they have to remind me so clearly even in the midst of all the daily chaos, exactly who I am. And if we’re honest, that can be easy to lose sight of some days. All it takes is a quick text, an old song on the radio, something to spark a memory or recalling a past conversation - and I feel lighter & more grounded. Which really comes in handy as I find myself living those less than Facebook-posting worthy moments. So friends, thank you. Because you support me in this beautiful way without even knowing it. And while we’ve shared so much, I don’t know that I’ve shared that with you, much less thanked you for it.

Like Luke Bryan sings about, “nobody gets a second chance to make new old friends”. And while admittedly some of my earlier choices in life weren’t my best, thank goodness my choice in friendships was pretty spot on. Friends, you loved, accepted and understood me before I was able to even completely do the same for myself. One of my biggest wishes for my children is that they’re blessed with the same quality and lasting friendships.

And while Luke is right about old friends, I think he missed capturing how incredible all those new and different types of friends along the way are too. Having all types of friendships helps us to expand our own limited views and provides support where ever we go. You’ve all taught me something and I’m thankful for each and every one of you.

  • For friends without children who remind me that there’s more to me than just being a mom, and how truly amazing the world is, offering so many adventures if you’re willing to just go after them. Thank you for your spontaneity and individualism (and for being so accepting when it seems I don’t have either some days) and thank you for the important role you play in our children’s lives.

  • For kids’ sports friends who start off as parents and become friends that make sitting in the cold and let’s face it sometimes long practices and games much more fun. Thank you for laughing with me, not at me, when I’m running late (again), for helping me keep things straight when I forget something (again) and for explaining the sport to me (again) when I don’t quite know what I’m cheering for or missed something my kid did (again). Let’s face it, this is where I spend my time now and I need you there.

  • For coworker friends who make having to go work a little easier and a lot more fun. Thank you for supporting me in all ways as we share grievances and laughs over things in and outside of work. You understand a part of me that most others don’t (which is probably my fault since I just really don’t like to talk about work!)

  • For neighbor friends who become more like family as we live our lives side by side. Thank you for making our house feel even more like a home. And for not judging me when I forget the windows are open & everyone just heard me yelling (I asked nice several times first, I promise!)

  • For friends far away who live different lifestyles in different places across the world. I love living vicariously through your adventures and love how you expand my world through your own. Thank you for making the distance not feel so far with how close our friendships remain and thank you for not finding me boring while I live out my life 10 miles outside of where I grew up.

  • For new friends who remind me how nice it feels to be accepted and a part of something new. We’re older now, know who we are and it’s fun to skip past the stuff we maybe wasted our time on earlier in life and just get straight to the good stuff – keeping it real, sharing a laugh (& ok, a cocktail too!)

  • For lifelong friends who don’t just know your quirks, but saw you grow up and understand exactly why you are the way you are. And love you just the same. Thank you for growing up with me all these years. We’re becoming better versions of ourselves the older we get and there’s no one I’d rather share it with than you. In a world filled with changes, thanks for being one of my constants.

  • For my best mom friend… mom, who shares a perspective, wisdom and understanding that only a woman whose walked the path before me could. It took growing up to become friends and I’m so glad that we are. Thank you for the selflessness, the unconditional love and the example you gave me for the type of mom, wife, friend and woman I want to be. It’s in becoming all those things that I see now with even more clarity all that are you and all that you have given to me.

We may not see each other as much as we'd like, but I carry you with me each day. And let’s face it, as these kids get older, they’re going to ditch us for their own friends and we’re going to need each other all the more – all over again!

So this mother’s day and every day, I recognize, celebrate and thank my dear friends. Moms or not, we all support each other so I believe all women should be celebrated today. Together we’re a force to be reckoned with and I couldn’t be more thankful or blessed to have you by my side.



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